Group of students in Ireland on an international education trip

International Education

Embark on an international expedition and earn three to four credits. Learn about other cultures, then travel to experience them for yourself. INT courses include one- or two-week trips during college breaks for students to engage in other cultures.

See the world and earn college credit!*

International Education trips are multi-disciplinary, and students of any major can benefit from studying abroad. Business students will learn currency exchange rates, students in photography can add to their portfolios and culinary majors will discover new tastes that broaden and inspire their future creations. No matter what you’re studying, these trips will add a multitude of influential experiences to your academic foundation.

What courses can I take?

International Study | INT204

SUNY Adirondack offers interdisciplinary opportunities for students to earn credit through college-sponsored trips abroad. The travel portion of this course includes physical activity including walking, site exploration and tours. Credits may count as liberal arts electives.

Short-term adventure, long-term benefits

Just a few perks you can expect from studying abroad:

  • Enhance your portfolio and give yourself a competitive advantage on your transcript or resume
  • Build long-lasting friendships through an unforgettable shared experience
  • Gain insightful perspective on how other cultures view the world
  • Share memorable stories with your friends and family

What can I expect from International education?

In addition to earning college credits, students have the opportunity to experience:

  • Museums and historical sites
  • Concerts and performing arts
  • Deserts, jungles, and urban and metropolitan environments
  • Places of dramatic beauty
  • New cultures, customs and traditions
  • Hiking, zip-lining and horseback riding

In good company

The International Education program eases the stress and anxieties of traveling by offering students a dynamic range of group-guided studies and independent experiences. Your seasoned professors will help you navigate the new cities and cultures you discover. A typical day consists of seeing a local concert, discussing a piece of art with fellow students, checking out historical monuments on your own and, finally, winding down in a restaurant with a group of friends.

*Students must be age 18 or older at time of travel. Community members can join our trips through the Office of Continuing Education, for more information email

Alumni spotlight

Image of Rocco de Gregory at an anthropologic dig site

I took all anthropology classes, went on international trips to Peru and Bolivia; it was the first time I left the States. Those trips [Peru, Bolivia, Greece and Turkey] were really formative experiences. They altered my perception of who I am, who we are as a culture and what other people are. It’s all because Val [Haskins] gave me the experience and made me realize, ‘You can do this.'" In the years since, deGregory has traveled extensively and done field work in several countries.

Rocco de Gregory Project manager/Tribal Liaison with the United States Army Corps Tribal Nations Technical Center of Expertise 2006