Assistant Director of Tech Support Services Cindy Stoner
  • Staff Queensbury

Cindy Stoner

  • Assistant director of Technology Support Specialist

"I love learning new things and problem solving, so the technology and AV fields are a great fit for me. I also love that my work helps SUNY Adirondack to succeed, by providing tools and resources for both employees and students. It feels good to know that I am part of making a difference in people's lives."


Cindy started out in research science where she co-authored a few papers. Then she moved into the Educational Technology field at SUNY Adirondack and has worked there for 25+ years. During her time she has assisted the department through many changes of technology including adding AV support to the department, many versions of software and networks, and designing and implementing technology in several major building projects. She also was part of and then in charge of many years of hosting the Technology Showcase for 30ish local elementary, middle and high schools, and technology training for students and staff. 


Dual Bachelor of Science degrees in Mathematical and Molecular Biology from Beloit College, 1985; Master of Science in Biochemistry from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1988; Graduate Certificate in Instructional Technology Design from University of Massachusetts, Boston, 2013; Various certificates for technology and job relevant training 

Hobbies and interests

Cindy lives with her husband of 30+ years in a house with mountain views. She loves cooking, Tabletop RPGs, co-op video gaming, reading science fiction and fantasy, going to conventions and traveling. She has played D&D and other RPGs since D&D was an initial boxed set, and her first computer was an Atari 800 gaming counsel/computer combo, where you saved to a cassette tape. She always enjoys learning new things and continues to look forward to all the new directions technology is taking.