Continuing Education students at class listening to instructor

Continuing Education registration information

Browse our current Continuing Education catalog. View the sections below for important information about noncredit course registration, payment, refund/tuition liability policy, college closings and delays, parking and more. You can also return to the main Continuing Education web page.

Continuing Education Resources

To register for Continuing Education classes, please complete our Noncredit Course Registration Request Form. Current noncredit courses are listed in the Continuing Education catalog.


Questions? Contact SUNY Adirondack Continuing Education at 518-743-2238 or

Noncredit Course Payment

Payment for Continuing Education (noncredit) courses is due upon registration, as follows:


  • By check: Made payable to SUNY Adirondack. Students may pay in person at the Office of Continuing Education at the north end of Adirondack Hall on the Queensbury campus. Students may also mail the payment stub, located at the bottom of the Student Schedule and Bill, with a check, to the Office of Continuing Education.
  • By cash or credit card: Students must register for the applicable course(s) through Continuing Education before using these payment methods. Cash or credit card payments can be made at the Student Accounts cashier window in Warren Hall with a copy of the Student Schedule and Bill. Credit card payments can also be made at the Office of Continuing Education or online using e-cashier. A $1 nonrefundable NELNET Enrollment Fee will be assessed for each e-cashier payment. Full payments are deducted immediately from the account provided on the NELNET agreement.
  • Third party/employer-paid tuition: Please mail or fax a letter to the Office of Continuing Education on company letterhead authorizing SUNY Adirondack to bill the company. This letter must be included with the registration material.

Requests for drop/withdrawal and/or refunds for all Continuing Education courses (including all open enrollment, youth enrichment, international education and online Ed2go) must be submitted by a student, a student’s significant other, a student’s legal guardian, or an employer who has provided us with a letter of intent for registration and payment for an individual. Requests must be made by phone, fax, email or in person before the class starts.


Please note:

  • No refunds will be granted for non-attendance. If a student has not withdrawn from a course, they are liable for the course and material fees even if they choose not to attend.
  • Unless otherwise indicated, participants who withdraw less than two weeks before a course begins will still be liable for any materials fees, and no refunds for materials fees will be issued after that time.


In addition:

  • All drop/withdrawal and refund requests must be received during regular business hours: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding College holidays and closures. Requests submitted after the office has closed for the day will not be processed until the following business day.
  • Students will receive confirmation of a drop/withdrawal and/or refund or remaining liability via mail. If a student has not received a confirmation via email, the drop request has not been received and processed.
  • All refunds will take the form of a check, made out to the student, and make take up to 21 business days to be processed.
  • Course registrations may not be transferred to another person. If a student is unable to attend a class, they may not send someone else in their stead.
  • When materials and/or textbooks are distributed for a course, regardless of course length, students are liable for cost of those materials even if they withdraw from the course.
  • Some courses have published registration and refund cutoff dates to ensure purchase of textbooks and/or course materials.
  • Summer youth courses, Ed2go courses, international education trips and Paralegal Certificate courses have their own withdrawal and student liability policies.
  • Payment is due at the time of registration. Non-payment may result in balance being turned over to a collection agency. All collection fees, including reasonable attorney fees, will be the responsibility of the student.
  • Requests for special consideration for refund and/or bill adjustments can be made by filling out the Non-Credit Request for Refund/Bill Adjustment form.
  • Students are not liable for any class and materials fees for any classes cancelled by the Office of Continuing Education and will be refunded for fees paid.


Noncredit Course Drop/Tuition Liability

(Except for Summer Enrichment courses, Ed2go courses, international education trips and Paralegal Certificate courses.)

Unless otherwise indicated, participants who withdraw less than two weeks before a course begins will still be liable for any materials fees, and no refunds for materials fees will be issued after that time.


Courses eight weeks and longer                      

Time of withdrawal/course cancellation: Student liability amount (for tuition)*

Prior to the first class: 0%

During the first week of classes: 25% course fees

During the second week of classes: 50% course fees

During the third week of classes: 75% course fees

After the third week of classes: 100% course fees


Courses three to seven weeks

Time of withdrawal/course cancellation: Student liability amount  (for tuition)*

Prior to the first class: 0%

During the first week of classes: 75% course fees

After the second week of classes: 100% course fees


Courses two weeks and shorter

Time of withdrawal/course cancellation: Student liability amount (for tuition)*

Prior to the first class: 0%

After the first class, but before the second: 75% course fees

After the start of the second class: 100% course fees

For one-session classes, after the class: 100% course fees


Online asynchronous (self-paced) courses of any length

Time and status of course access at withdrawal/course cancellation: Student liability amount**

Prior to the class start date, assuming student has not accessed any portion of the online course: 0%

After class start date, assuming student has not accessed any portion of the online course: 0%

At any point after registration, if course has been accessed*: 100% course fees


* Unless otherwise indicated, participants who withdraw less than two weeks before a course begins will still be liable for any materials fees, and no refunds for materials fees will be issued after that time. When materials and/or textbooks are distributed for a course, regardless of course length, students are liable for cost of those materials even if they withdraw from the course.


** If a student accesses the course content and materials via online course spaces (i.e., Blackboard, Google Classroom, etc.), no refund will be payable.


Please note: The Course Drop/Refund Policy deadlines do not apply to enrollment in Youth Enrichment programming. These program deadlines are defined in the individual course registration materials.

  • Building entrances: All participants in Continuing Education classes must enter and exit through the main entrance at all locations, except at Maple Avenue Middle School (Co-Ed Volleyball and Advanced Power Volleyball students at Maple Avenue Middle School should enter through the gymnasium entrance).
  • Parking: Please park in designated parking areas. Parking in school bus lanes and fire lanes is strictly prohibited. Fire lanes must be left open at all times.
  • Prohibited: Smoking, guns, and illegal drugs are prohibited on school grounds.
  • Elevators: Elevators are available for classes on the second floor at the Middle School and High School.

Unless otherwise indicated, a college closing affects all scheduled noncredit classes, both in-person and remote. A college delay (i.e., opening at 10 a.m. instead of the normal 8 a.m. opening time) will only affect those courses that are scheduled during the delay time. For college closing/delay information, please visit SUNY Adirondack's emergency closing information web page or call 518-743-2222.


Continuing Education classes at Saratoga Springs Central School District are canceled if SUNY Adirondack OR if Saratoga Springs School District closes due to inclement weather or emergency closing.

At SUNY Adirondack campus locations, parking in reserved spaces may result in a parking ticket. For daytime classes (8 a.m. to 5 p.m.), park in designated Student Parking only – North or South Parking Lots. For evening classes (after 5 p.m.), you may park in any parking lots shown on the campus map.


At Saratoga Springs City School District locations, please park in designated parking areas. Parking in school bus lanes and fire lanes is strictly prohibited. Fire lanes must be left open at all times.

Course Accommodations

SUNY Adirondack encourages people with disabilities to participate in official college programs, events and activities. Reasonable accommodations can be requested by contacting SUNY Adirondack Accessibility Services at 518-743-2282 or


Course Cancellations

When it is necessary to cancel a class, we try to provide a minimum of two days’ notice before the scheduled start of the class. Full tuition and fees will be refunded for any classes cancelled by SUNY Adirondack Continuing Education.


Course Locations

Class locations are noted in course descriptions and on the schedule and bill mailed to students upon registration. If your course takes place online (using Zoom, Brightspace, etc.), you will receive access information via email before the start of class.


Course Prerequisites

Please review course catalog or our website to be sure you have met the stated prerequisites for all courses you wish to take. If you have any questions about the nature of a prerequisite, please contact us.


Course Schedule/Confirmation

Each confirmation should be carefully examined to verify the date, time, course name, course number, and location. Please note the abbreviation keys located in the upper right-hand corner.

We are offering Learning Gift Certificates, perfect for giving to friends, loved ones or colleagues. Gift a specific Continuing Education course or an amount of your choosing. Learn more and order your Learning Gift Certificate here.